Physical Therapy Primary Care p-value
Mean (SD); n/total (%)
Time from Initial Evaluation to Imaging (days) 26.4 (36.7) 7.6 (25.2) <.001
Visits from Initial Evaluation to Imaging 3.8 (3.4) 1.1 (0.6) <.001
Interventions Utilized
    - Therapeutic Exercise
    - Manual Therapy
    - Dry Needling
    - Traction
    - Modalities
    - Physical Therapy Referral
    - Acupuncture

80/93 (86%)
50/93 (54%)
33/93 (35%)
3/93 (3%)
16/93 (17%)
0/93 (0%)
0/93 (0%)

0/50 (0%)
1/50 (2%)
0/50 (0%)
0/50 (0%)
0/50 (0%)
28/50 (56%)
2/50 (4%)

Medications Ordered
    - NSAIDS
    - Acetaminophen
    - Oral Steroid
    - Muscle Relaxer

18/93 (19%)
0/93 (0%)
0/93 (0%)
4/93 (4%)

25/50 (50%)
5/50 (10%)
3/50 (6%)
9/50 (18%)
