Call for Submissions Deadline Extension : Transportation and Mobility Justice Special Issue - UPenn Journal of Law & Social Change

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The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change (JLASC) has extended the deadline for our upcoming special issue on transportation and mobility justice to December 17, 2021.   Article submissions should be sent by email to with the subject "Transportation & Mobility Justice Special Issue Submission." 

Further information about our upcoming special issue is included below. 

Established in 1993, the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change (JLASC) is a premier student-run public interest law journal committed to interdisciplinary scholarship. We are currently seeking research articles and critical essays addressing transportation, mobility, and their implications for social, racial, and economic justice.

This Volume 25 special issue will be published in partnership with Penn Law’s 41st annual Edward V. Sparer Symposium hosted by the Class of 2023 Toll Public Interest Scholars. The Symposium will be held in February 2022 and will share the special issue’s focus on the intersection of law, inequality, accessibility, and transportation. 

Successful submissions may include the following topics:
  • Environmental racism and social determinants of health;
  • Disability rights;
  • Transit systems, infrastructure, and climate resiliency;
  • Urban planning, highway design, and racial segregation;
  • Access to and restrictions on mobility and public space;
  • Traffic policing, fines and fees, and the prison industrial complex;
  • Automobile subsidization, dependency, and prioritization.

Submissions will be assessed on the basis of topical relevance, originality, and fitness for JLASC’s mission. Citations should adhere to the Bluebook system. Questions may be addressed to Please submit articles for review by December 17, 2021 by sending an email to with the subject “Transportation & Mobility Justice Special Issue Submission”.  For more information, please visit our website