Call for Submissions - Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law

Posted by Senior Articles Editor, community karma 143

The American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law is pleased to invite papers on timely and important social policy topics in the areas of family law, voting rights, criminal justice, disability law, labor law, LGBT law, prisoners' rights, reproductive rights, immigration, education, housing, and elder law. This list is non-exhaustive and we welcome papers focused on other topics that fall under the umbrella of social policy. The Journal will consider articles that propose a new argument or perspective about a timely legal issue. While the Journal may publish pieces with an international component, we require our articles to include analysis of U.S. law in addition to any international focus. The Journal does not accept submissions from current students.

As one of the top-cited legal periodicals in the U.S. and selected non-U.S. regions in the subject area of Women, Gender, Sexuality and the Law, our journal is deeply committed to publishing high-quality pieces on a range of topics in the social policy field. Many of our staff members are personally vested in the intersection between law and social policy through participation in specialized programs of study or clinics offered at American.  In short, these issues are more to us than simply words printed in our Journal. Please direct questions and final submissions to the Senior Articles Editors, Sahar Ahmed and Kathryn Suma, at