Call for Submissions: Mercer Law Review, Vol. 76, Articles Edition

Posted by Tyler Kelly, community karma 37

The Mercer Law Review is currently accepting submissions for the Articles Edition of Volume 76, which this year will explore the theme of the intersectionality of law. The goal of this year’s Edition is to deepen our understanding of the law by offering a comprehensive exploration of diverse legal topics through an intersectional lens. We aim to investigate how identity impacts or is impacted by law and policy, and examine the intersections of race, religion, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and other identity markers within legal frameworks. 


We invite submissions of articles and essays on any legal topic, but priority will be given to those exploring the intersectionality of law. Contributions for Volume 76 must be submitted by October 21, 2024. We anticipate that accepted submissions will be published in March 2025. Please submit an article, abstract, or both directly via email to If you attempt to submit through Scholastica only, we may not receive your submission. 


For inquiries or additional information, contact the Editor in Chief, Tyler Kelly, at, and the Articles Book Editor, Olivia Greenblatt, at

Thank you! We look forward to reviewing your contributions. 


Mercer Law Review, Volume 76