Call for Submissions: UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review

Posted by William Baker, community karma 1987
Volume 6 of the UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review is open for submissions, scheduled for publication in Spring 2022. This year the CJLR is hosting a symposium on the topic of Restorative Justice, and is especially interested in scholarship on this important paradigm often missing from discussions of criminal justice. However, the journal is always interested in any and all quality scholarship that advances the discourse of criminal justice policy, practice, and law.  

CJLR encourages submissions from law students, academics, policymakers, practitioners, advocates, activists, and people who have been impacted by the criminal legal system. Law students and alumni, including recent graduates, are especially encouraged to submit. The CJLR Articles Department will prioritize student-written submissions for publication, including those written for an independent study, papers for upper-division seminars, and other works not written for credit.

Authors may submit pieces or send questions about style, formatting, or publication timeline by emailing the UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review at

We look forward to reviewing your submissions and hope you have a great rest of the summer.