Call for Submissions: Vermont Journal of Environmental Law

Posted by Jerry Thoms, community karma 35
Vermont Law is one of the leading environmental law schools in the country. And on behalf of the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, this is a call for submissions for our Book 3, Volume 23! Book 3 will focus on environmental justice!

People of color are face institutionalized and systematic racism and this is being exacerbated by the pandemic and police brutality. Environmental injustice compounds the oppression people of color experience daily. The need to address environmental injustices has never been more pertinent. Environmental justice aims at unraveling the racism and oppression that is weaved into the fabric of our country. People of color face battles on many fronts, we need environmental justice to alleviate the pressure and begin to correct the historic harm. Therefore, the Journal is dedicating the entire book to environmental justice! And we need your help to do it!

Submissions are open now

If you have any questions, please email