Call for the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport (JLAS)

Posted by Thomas A. Baker III, community karma 4343

The Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport (JLAS) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal that increases the understanding and advancement of legal issues as applied to all aspects of the sport paradigm. This established journal serves as an interdisciplinary outlet for meeting the needs of researchers, academicians, practitioners, and policy makers. JLAS covers legal and policy issues relevant to professional, intercollegiate, interscholastic, recreational, and Olympic sport, as well as legal, policy, and associated risk management issues affecting sport clubs, fitness, health and wellness, and physical activity.

JLAS publishes submissions of the highest scholarly quality concerning sport, recreation, and related fields that can inform policy, advance the body of knowledge, and influence decision making. The journal considers theoretical and applied research on law and policy issues from any tradition of scholarship; case notes addressing current legal cases that have policy implications to sport, recreation, or related fields; case studies that identify and analyze pedagogical practices of relevance to courses on legal aspects; and reviews of recently published books or chapters dealing with the legal aspects of sport and recreation

Authors should submit their articles through Scholastica. For questions, contact Editor-in-chief, Dr. Thomas A. Baker III, at