Cardozo International & Comparative Law Review: Call for Submissions

Posted by Richard de Schweinitz, community karma 11687
Cardozo International & Comparative Law Review is pleased to announce that we are accepting submissions for Volume 6 (2022-2023).  We invite you to submit manuscripts pertaining to the academic disciplines of international and/or comparative law.  To support our diversity and expand our reach, we welcome submissions from all over the world.

CICLR publishes three issues a year, serving as a distinguished student-edited journal of international and comparative legal scholarship.  Washington & Lee currently ranks our journal sixth in the nation for comparative law journals, and thirty-third (of 163) for international law journals.

We are seeking comprehensive, detailed legal scholarship, so please note that we suggest a minimum word count of 16,000 (not including footnotes).

For more information on the submissions process, please visit or email us at