Invitation to Submit Articles for Chapman Law Review’s 2020 Issue provisionally entitled “A 50-Year Retrospective on Major Laws of the 91st Congress”

Posted by CLR Executive Articles Editors, community karma 159

Chapman Law Reviewis pleased to invite article submissions on the theme: “A 50-Year Retrospective on Major Laws of the 91st Congress.” Publications will appear in a symposium edition, and authors will receive an honorarium.

Were the 1970s a moment for environmental and health and safety regulation? In this symposium issue, the Chapman Law Review is soliciting papers taking a retrospective look at the legislation that was passed in 1970, a critical year with several key legislative outputs that changed the way the country governs myriad health, safety, and environmental concerns. This issue will focus on the progress of the statutory products that emerged from this period. The Chapman Law Reviewis looking for papers that are grounded in a retrospective analysis of particular statutes and how they evolved or formed the basis of other developments. Furthermore, comparative perspectives between statutes produced at this time, as well as articles that identify the significance of this time period and how this legislative moment was possible in light of the current legislative gridlock and landscape, are welcome.

In this issue, the Chapman Law Review is seeking to publish 7 to 9 articles that cover the following statutes or some combination thereof:

·       National Environmental Policy Act, Pub.L. 91–190, 83 Stat. 852

·       Organized Crime Control Act, Pub.L. 91–452, 84 Stat. 922

·       Bank Secrecy Act, Pub.L. 91–508, 84 Stat. 1118

·       Controlled Substances Act, Pub.L. 91–513, 84 Stat. 1242

·       Plant Variety Protection Act, Pub.L. 91–577, 84 Stat. 1404

·       Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), Pub.L. 91–596

·       Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970, Pub.L. 91–609, 84 Stat. 1770

Chapman Law Reviewhas dedicated its written symposium issue to this noteworthy topic. We are open to submissions with perspectives that focus on a single statute from this list, in addition to perspectives that take a look at the relationship with other statutes. Chapman Law Reviewwould be honored to publish your work.

The Chapman Law Reviewwill be offering an honorarium to authors who are accepted to write for this written symposium issue.

Submission Information:

We are looking for papers with an 8000-word count minimum—ideal submissions will contain between 15,000 to 20,000 words including footnotes. If you would like to apply to participate in theSymposium, please submit an abstract of at least 1000 and not to exceed 1500 words, along with a current curriculum vitae by June 1, 2019 to Caroline J. Cordova. Offers will be sent shortly thereafter. The deadline forthe completed paper will be August 26, 2019.


Although there is not a live symposium attached to this themed issue, papers can resemble what one might submit for a symposium, and the issue will be identified as a themed issue so that you may also designate it as such, if you would like. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Chapman Law Reviewin approximately March 2020. 

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your submission.

If you have questions, please contact Caroline J. Cordova, Senior Articles Editor, at