Case Reports
An exercise protocol with the isokinetic dynamometer, for posterior cruciate ligament conservative treatment, had a beneficial effect on muscle performance and physical function.
This report provides an account of the integration of BFR into a home program and identification of meaningful pain measurement and responsiveness of common patient-reported outcome measures.
The purpose of this case report is to introduce early weight-bearing activities into the rehabilitation protocol for non-operative management of athletes with a UCL injury and encourage further research.
A novel treatment concept for patients with anterior shoulder dislocation
A case report regarding the surgical procedure and rehabilitation protocol used for a collegiate female gymanst who underant an ACL repair with internal brace ligament augmentation.
In the present case report the authors proposed 12 weeks combine load management exercise program in a runner with PHT. Functional capacity and pain were measured.
This study describes how MSK ultrasound was used to facilitate advanced imaging and timely orthopedic referral for a patient presenting with a high-grade partial thickness triceps tendon tear.
The purpose of this case is to highlight the examination and treatment of a youth softball pitcher referred to physical therapy with the diagnosis of scapular dyskinesis.
This case report outlines a return to play progression for a professional soccer player addressing specific injury criteria, physical capabilities, and on-field sport specific criteria utilizing the ‘control-chaos continuum
This case investigates the innovative use of quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) to monitor the longitudinal change in brain and central nervous systems activity while measuring musculoskeletal function during an ACL rehabilitation.