Faulkner Law Review is accepting submissions for our Fall 2020 Symposium Issue

Posted by Jacob Jackson, community karma 47

Faulkner Law Review invites proposals for its 9th Annual Law Review Symposium. It will be a written symposium consisting of a review of Professor Lee Strang’s book Originalism’s Promise: A Natural Law Account of the American Constitution.  A special symposium issue of the Faulkner Law Review will publish the papers, which will include a contribution from Professor Larry Solum, in addition to a reply written by Professor Strang.


Consistent with the mission of Faulkner Law Review to promote understanding of contemporary questions by drawing upon the resources of the Anglo-American legal tradition, the symposium will explore the ideas laid out in Professor Strang’s book pertaining to Originalism and the natural law principles he uses to support them. We believe an in-depth examination of these ideas will be beneficial because of the importance of constitutional interpretation and the intense scrutiny that is applied to judges who are appointed to the federal judiciary. 


Last year Faulkner Law Review presented “Substantive Due Process: Critical Safeguard of Fundamental Rights, Flawed Doctrine, or Illegitimate Fiction?” Scholars from around the United States, which included Professors Christopher Green and David Upham, submitted writings outlining their unique theories concerning substantive due process. Two years ago, we presented a review of Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights Through Legislation, co-authored by Grégoire Webber, Richard Ekins, and other world-class legal scholars. In addition to a reply from the authors, this issue included writings from Professors Victoria Nourse and Robert L. Clinton.


Proposals may be sent via email to editorinchief@faulkner.edu .

about 4 years ago

1 Comment

Jacob Jackson, community karma 47
Faulkner Law Review is no longer accepting submissions for our Fall 2020 issue.  Thank you for interest and we encourage you to send any articles for publication in the Spring 2022 issue.

Jacob Jackson
Faulkner Law Review Articles Editor
over 3 years ago
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